Advertising and Public Relations Campaigns
Creative Writing
Social Media Content
(click images to view content)
Pecha Kucha
Traveling After a Pandemic
Course: PRAD 515 - Writing for a Communication Career
Term: Spring 2019-2020
Instructor: J. Stewart
This project allowed the class to share something about themselves in a unique presentation style. The Pecha Kucha challenged me to share my story in 6:41 minutes; 20 slides voiced by 20 second narrations.
Social Media Content
Social Media Post (Facebook / Instagram)
Course: PRAD 594 - Communication for Social Change
Term: Autumn 2020-2021
Instructor: M. DeMoya
Our client looked to update and increase their social media presence promoting the organizations efforts to raise awareness of voting inequality in the weeks leading up to the 2020 Presidential election.