Writing Samples
Course: PRAD 515 - Writing for a Communication Career
Term: Spring 2019-2020
Instructor: J. Stewart
This writing assignment included writing an Op-Ed to share our thoughts on if life would go back to "normal" after COVID-19 is under control or will a life of makes and hand sanitizer be apart of our "new normal".
(click the image above to view content)
Interview / Blog Post
Course: PRAD 595
Diverse Voices
Term: Autumn 2020-2021
Instructor: R. Culp
I had the privilege of interviewing Kimberly & David Rudd of Rudd Resources, LLC, an award winning public relations and communication firm in Chicago, IL on the topic of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in public relations.
This interview was included as a guest post on the Culpwrit.com, a guide for careers in public relations.
(click the image above to view content)
Scholarship Essay
The LAGRANT Foundation
I wrote this essay on representation in the Advertising and Public Relations C-Suite to submit with my application for the 2020 - 2021 LAGRANT Foundation Scholarship. I was selected as a scholarship recipient for the current academic year (2020-2021).
(click the image above to view content)
Blog Post
Course: PRAD 515 - Writing for a Communication Career
Term: Spring 2019-2020
Instructor: J. Stewart
This piece began a fun class assignment on "How to Write a Blog". I was tasked to research a topic of my choice and create an insightful blog. This writing was completed at the height of the Coronavirus Global Quarantine. I decided to keep my writing upbeat and hopeful while exploring the benefits of fitness during a quarantine and the various virtual options to help us stay fit.
(click the image above to view content)
Space Hold (for Spring 2021)